Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Teachers In A Bad Economy

Today we all are in the same boat. We live in a recession not only in our own economy but in a failing global economy. Its hard to keep are heads up high and hope things will eventually turn around. For educators though, they have it the hardest. Getting a job today is a frustrating process for teachers everywhere! Its no secret trust me.
Being hired today is like earning a gold medal, its justso difficult to find a job anywhere. Before you can find a job in the first place your already being denied from a job listing that was hard enough to find. Its like finding hay in a needle stack but theresa 50 percent chance the hay isnt even there, and yes the needle stack not the hay stack. If your a teacher or some sort of educator then I know you completely understand. If education is so important then why is it so hard for our teachers to find jobs.
Education should always be our number one priority but the people who run this system our now being denied to teach. Schools that used to receive a lot funding are now having cut backs from the state which a course is losing money from our presently, unstable economy. I am personally not an educator myselfof any sorts but I know enough people who are, which is why my attention was so strongly caught! I began to see my own teachers in school laidoff in the coming year after a friend of mine was.She has been a teacher for years but lost her job when the economy fell apart in 2008. She was very optimistic and looked for job listings everyday but didnt find a job for two years! She finally received a job a few months ago but its comparable to a substitute job that doesntmake nearly as much as any other full time teaching job.
Im sure you have heard the same story yourself or your in the exact situation.I must say theres no one to blame in this mess though, and for unemployed teachers out there you have to look to the future. A economy like it is now,can only get better not any worse! If your looking for a job or some advice to help you believe this isnt a catch-22, then begin to look forward not backward. Education is always first on the list, so remeber teachers and educators. You should never be denied to teach anytime or anywhere.

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