Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Success Online

So I was wondering what success really looked like? So what better place to go than Miami! Yes, right now I'm writing this post in Miami just to get a taste of what success really looks like and I live up north so this isn't something I do every day. It's a great motivation to be here, really it’s fantastic. Of course Miami isn’t perfect either and not everyone is rich, but this is why I’m in the South Beach area.

I’ve never seen so many nice cars in my life! I’ve see a Lamborghini already and it’s the first day I’ve been here…people are literally driving hundred thousand dollar cars around casually but hey I guess that’s how they roll. I would roll like they could if I had that option, but hey that’s what I’m here for! To get some motivation drive in me..Not that I don’t have it already, but I’m sure I’m going to have a lot more after being in Miami.

Being here so far has made me pretty jealous and I’m not a jealous person at all. People are simply having the time of their lives; I don’t understand why they’re not going to work or anything. It’s party all day, every day, or go home. Once again motivation was kicking in to get out of the main stream of things! Why would I want a boring every day job if I could have this…I wouldn’t want it any other way! So far being here has made me want to be successful on internet like no other thing. But what really is success I ask myself?

Well all the glamour is nice but I believe it’s whatever makes you happy, right? I believe so. All this stuff these people might have is great but what they really have is financial freedom. That’s all I want because then I’m free to do whatever I want! This is to be a musician and to travel the world personally; unfortunately I need the money to do this. I simply don’t have the dough to follow my dreams.

This is why being successful on the internet has become one of my ambitions, motivations, and dreams. I’m extremely determined but now after seeing financial freedom at its finest I’m beyond the word determined. I’m obsessed. I will reach this goal and I hope you will too whoever is reading this, because you will have a much happier life! I highlighted the word “happier” to remind you that really is what matters……….

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