Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Get A Job Taking Surveys

Many people today are curious about how to find survey jobs online that pay you take their surveys. Can this be real? The answer is of course but it has its down sides as well as its up sides. As interested as I was myself, I personally visited and researched for online survey jobs available on the web. What I found was that there was so many there was too many to choose from. I registered for about ten of these websites to experience what they were like and if I would approve of them or not.
Some were more sketchy than others which I felt were scams and not as legitimate. I didn’t give up though and I conclude there is defiantly surveys out there that are paid to be taken. There’s websites like, and that will all defiantly pay you to take surveys. The amount they pay you is when it comes questionably worth it or not though. They say you have to put in hard work to make real cash, but what it really is, is that you have to put a lot of time into it if you want to make some real cash. What I’m trying to say is that these websites will pay you less than a dollar to take one survey, so it matters how much surveys you’re willing to take but that takes precious time. It gets annoying after hours of endless surveys that pay you the bare minimum.
What these survey websites really strive on though, is the offers they have from multiple companies. These offers are set up so if you buy or invest in their company product then they will pay you a little more so you make a profit. You can defiantly make money through this system, but it’s almost like a delusion of how much you’re actually making. For example, I once thought I could make 50 bucks for one survey that was listed on one of those survey sites I registered for, but it ended up being an offer that will take away about 80 percent of those 50 dollars, just because I would have to buy or invest in their product before.
I didn’t find this worth it and I never would. Its certainly not a smooth system of making money unless this is something you can work with. I’ve seen success with websites like using this kind of system but it really matters how motivated you are to earn cash by using a lot of your time.
Surveys can defiantly be profitable though, in the end after some time is put into it. It really matters about the quality of the website with the best company connections, because the company is the one paying you! The survey website you find is really just the bridge between you and the company which is giving you the survey, not the website. It makes sense, the more legitimate the website then more probability that you will be able to make a buck or two. Remember paid surveys aren’t scams all the time. There’s a chance that they can be scams, so no doubt watch out, but there is legitimate paid survey sites too. I’ve found them, there obviously there; it all depends on finding them, and finding the right one.

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